5 Benefits you Missed to know about Martial Arts


 You know about Arts.You know about the Sciences. You know about the earth. You know about the people. But the one thing which you might aware or may be, which has been carried about since years, the art which has been mentioned in the scriptures, the canonicals. The art which connects the cosmos with mind, soul and your body, the one's which makes you unite-Martial Arts.

   The term martial arts is codified with the practices including- Karate,Taekwondo, Jujustu, Judo, Silat, Savate etc. Basically, it deals with "Combat Art". The martial arts in Latin means the art of Mars, referring to the Roman God of War.

"You must be shapeless, formless, like water. When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. When you pour water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can drip and it can crash. Become like water my friend."

                                                                                                  - Bruce Lee

     Martial arts is very old known arts to human being. It helped human to survive, martial arts can learned by anybody either a kid ,adult or old person with dedicated training's and devoted grasping power. The martial art as a practice help us to get in good physique,by learning it you can become strong and healthy. Sound mind lives in sound body- so you can make your body healthy, active and in fine fettle which enhances your mental health and physical well-being. Martial arts teach us to use all part of our body.so you are becoming strong day by day .

So, here are the list of benefits you can achieve by learning and practicing Martial Arts.
See the changes in you from the day one. Look through the close what's in for you:-

1. Boom your focus, enhance your stillness

 If you are in the majority who have either lost their Focus and can't keep your inner instinct, body and mind in control, then this is to you. The Martial Arts are the art which deliberately connects your body part with brain-shall increase stillness. The most focused mind are the most productive mind and shall your performance. You as person are always complaining about your lack of innocuousness. Then welcome to the world of Martial Arts we guarantee your focus will increase like the graph increasing in Bullish market.

Related: 9 Benefits of Martial Arts for Kids With Learning and Attention Issues

2. Your cardiovascular health at top

Well proven fact, according to the many cardiologist and reasearch done on the heart it has been proved that the real way to improve the cardiovascular health is via the activities like Martial Arts , but again do it cautiously if health permits, especially who had crossed the age of 40. For kids the Martial Arts can be the better then any other cardio exercises.


3. Boosting your Self- Confidence, enhancing the moral values

 The way Martial Arts have been programmed since ancient times which are being followed by various goal setting, target focusing, task orienting, full body work-out and discipline planning this all makes the human being the complete package of what we call the "Real Man or Real Women".
And as a result it boosts the Self Confidence and prioritize the moral values.

Related: 5 Reasons Why Martial Arts Boosts Confidence

4. Light speeding Reflexes

     You have seen Bruce Lee kicks, Jackie Chan punches in movies, where did it came from? The speed at which they catches the objects is the well illustrated example of what we call in normal words "Reflexes". What if I could tell you that you can too do that. As famously quoted by Bruce Lee "Be like a Water". Yes you can be.

Related: 5 Ways To Develop Lightning Reaction Time for Martial Arts

5. The armor to your Self Defense

Quite well-known, Martial Arts defend you like a wall. The techniques taught in the Martial Arts act as an armor to your self defense. Nowadays, it the big trend especially in women of learning Martial Arts Defense techniques. You can dogged the attacks on you meanwhile you can counter-reply. Mastering the Martial Arts techniques "Mastering to defend without weapon".

Related: Top 10 Martial Arts for Self Defense

So, be a martial artist and be happy. Make the world grow, make the minds active. MAKE THE COUNTRY GREEN.

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