5 growth hacks to increase organic traffic on Business website

From the day you started your business, I hope you would have thought the ways to increase more traffic on your business page or website, more than that you might have tried many ways out there but sometime you might have succeeded some time you might have failed. For you people I have come out of ways which will be defining your organic reach. 

Let's have quick look for those who don't know what Organic and Inorganic traffic is just remember these words:-

Organic: Unpaid search results, in simple words visitors who come to your website without seeing any paid ads. You don't need to pay anything for advertising your content, page, article, ads,etc.

Inorganic: Paid search results, in simple words visitors come onto your website by seeing paid ads. You need to pay for advertising your content, page, article, ads etc.

So, lets start what you are looking for:-

1) Inbound and Outbound marketing

Have you heard this words before? If not than in simple words inbound marketing is attracting customers towards your business and outbound marketing means initiating the conversation by sending message to the audience.

Inbound customer will come to you

Outbound you have to go to the customer

So, the question arises here how to use it for Business websites? The strategy is start from Inbound marketing and go to Outbound marketing. Have you ever heard company's create buzz about the product before its launch? That's the classic example for Inbound marketing. So, you can use both in following ways:

Inbound marketing via 
i) Paid Search Marketing 
ii) Content Marketing 
iii) E-mail Marketing 
iv) Whistle blower in the market etc.

Outbound marketing via 
i) Cold Calling 
ii) Media buys 
iii) Email spam etc.


2) Meta Tags & Meta Description

In short, proper Search Engine Optimization (SEO). This is more important one, your business website should have best meta tags and meta description because it will let search engine to understand your website properly and index it properly. Say for example, you have a e-commerce platform for fashion apparel so following could be your meta description of your website:-

Meta Description: A e-commerce platform for trending fashion apparel

Note:- Here I have used the word trending because it has two benefits, one, people will search trending fashion on search engine. Second, it will optimize your website to appear on the first few pages whenever trending word will be searched. So, in this case it is likely to index your website at initial pages rather than in 10, 20..100th page of search engine.

3) Targeting Keywords

It has always been seen that people use keywords which are inappropriate to the web-content. A perfect keyword can be boon for your organic traffic otherwise bane for your entire business. Also, people to use OLD SCHOOL KEYWORD styling, which is absolutely wrong, be very updated in using keywords always use NEW SCHOOL KEYWORD styling. While surfing you can find many ways of writing keywords, one is below mentioned in the link. Remember, always to use 3 specific keyword trending in your industry and 2 specific keyword about your business.

4) Quality Content

You might have heard that Content is the King and Engagement is the Queen, same implies here. The relevant content is 8 times more powerful than the irrelevant one. So, make sure you publish the right content with right words flowing the correct meaning of particular content. Business website should be careful in writing About, Mission & Vision statements, product or service description correctly without making any sort of grammatical error or un-interesting content-use creativity. MAKE SURE IT MAKES THE READER ATTRACTED TOWARDS READING.

5) Analytics Tools

The perfect and simplest analytics tool is Google Analytics. One can get track all information about from where the traffic is coming and which keywords are more specific. This will give idea to use above mention points for your business website accurately. Also, Google provides free analytics certification where one can learn 360 degree of Google Analytics.

So hope, you would got proper insight on growth hacks to increase organic traffic on Business website
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